Case Study #1: A premier producer of avionics systems needed to improve user productivity and data security.
Case Study #3: Free Two-Version Upgrade
Case Study #3: Free Two-Version Upgrade. Problem: An aerospace and defense company needed a quick, inexpensive version upgrade of their Windchill PDMLink from 10.0 to version 10.2. Solution: Because they're an ongoing customer, and Eccellent is providing Tier Two services, the upgrade was performed at no charge. When Eccellent has significant familiarity with the [...]
Case Study #4: Version Upgrades+
Case Study #4: Version Upgrades for $B+ Companies. Problem: Xylem and ITT have been long-standing customers of Eccellent Solutions for several years. Both companies have taken advantage of our “Modified Tier 2 services”, which include scheduled software upgrades. Both clients were in need of a regular upgrade to their software, but didn't want to [...]