The Costs of Empty Software Support Seats

Windchill System Administration is critical.  But finding candidates…?

It’s a Jungle out there!

Filling an empty Windchill System Administration seat is no easy trick. Less than 3.1% unemployment means good help is hard to find. When you do find the right talent, filling the seat is expensive. It’s a seller’s market, so keeping the seat filled is no certainty. But not filling it is not an option. Without that seat product development support and performance is suffering. Quality is suffering. Your budget is suffering. Also, Stakeholders are suffering. Plus your customers are suffering.

Windchill System Administration

And your system is becoming a Dinosaur.

We’ve referenced studies from MITThe Society for Human Resource ManagementUS NewsInc. Magazine, and Glassdoor to put some numbers up. The longer a system goes unmanaged, the more it costs. Take a look:

Column 0 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5
Cost Driver Multiplier Total Cost Cost Driver Multiplier Total Cost
Industrywide Unemployment Rate 3.1%[2] Hard to hire & retain quality candidates Your Company’s Unemployment Rate 0% No HC to manage:
SLA’s drive relationship
Salary 1x $90,000[3] Tier Two services 1x $90,000[4]
Employee Carrying Costs and Benefits 1.25x Salary[5] +$112,500 Employment Carrying Costs and Benefits $0
Attrition Mgt. 68.3%x Salary[6] +$61,500 Attrition Mgt. $0
Productivity Gap 62.5%x Salary[7] +$78,750[8] Productivity Gap 0% $0
Total $342,750  $90,000 

That’s a lot of money!

Bottom Line:  an empty WC System Administration seat is not worth the cost.

Eccellent Solutions has a 12-year track record and 99% customer retention rate managing Windchill System Administration from remote. We’re doing the right things and doing things right. Whether we run the system, or partner with your established WC team, you’ll see improved performance and reduced risk immediately.

  • Don’t manage Windchill SysAdmin vacancies and empty seats that could linger for years.
  • Push the problem to the Opex line and save literally hundreds of thousands of dollars.
  • Get this off your to-do list!  Move on to bigger and better things with confidence, knowing that…

Eccellent Solutions covers your seat!

(We’re fully U.S. based and support Teamcenter as well as CREO and multiple other CAD systems)

But don’t just take my word for it….

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